
I'm Elle – an elegance enthusiast at your service!

I help high-achieving professionals to show up in the world as their most elegant selves.✨

If your work requires you to perform frequently, you’re in the right place!

And by performing I mean any situation where you want to be an engaging person and inspire the people around you. For example, you're a performer when you're...

  • giving talks, speeches and lectures
  • teaching
  • YouTubing
  • podcasting
  • hosting meetings and events
  • pitching ideas
  • and of course: performing music!

I'd love to work with you whether you have a specific occasion in mind where you'll want to captivate your audience, or if you want to level up your skills in exuding elegance in general.

Supercharge your elegance.

To me, being elegant consists of living an elevated and energized life. All it takes is for us to apply the evergreen principles of elegance into our lives, and we can instantly start reaping the benefits!

Sign up for my free 5-day email course to start living your most elegant life today!

Getting ready for a performance often brings along a lot of mental wrestling. Your inner saboteur says things like…

  •  What am I going to say?
  •  What am I going to wear?
  •  Who will be there?
  •  Will I live up to people's expectations about me?
  •  Will my voice carry until the back row?
  •  What if I get a blackout?
  •  Is my way of presenting my message clear enough?
  •  What if I'm just too boring and no one will pay attention?

The list goes on and on. But trust me, even the most elegant and charismatic people have these thoughts.

Of course it's useful to question the level of our skills every once in a while because it can help us evolve, but overthinking these things can kill your confidence.

In my case, the all-encompassing concept of elegance brings clarity to the art of putting your best foot forward in the world.🕺

So let me introduce you my:

Etiquette of a Truly Elegant Life

A simple framework that focuses on elevating and energizing your life so that you can come out of your shell and let your magnetic and inspiring personality shine.

When you look and feel elegant, you can present yourself and your message to the world in a convincing fashion. You will command respect and dazzle everybody with your demeanor and sincerity.💎

This topic is my passion.🔥

Over the last few years, I’ve been on a huge rabbit hole of studying the most elegant people (dead or alive) that I know, and it turns out there are a lot of common denominators to be recognized in their way of being in the world. I’m personally striving to emulate those qualities every day and I’d love to have a likeminded person like you join me on this lifelong path towards true elegance.

Now's the time to live your most elegant life!💯

If all this sounds up your street, tap the button below to fill out the application for my elegance consulting program.

I'm in!

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Elegance in your inbox

Receive insights on how to live your most elegant life.

Unsubscribe anytime, no hard feelings.☺️