Enchanté(e), I’m Elle!

I can’t wait to take you along to our path towards living a more elegant life.

Born in Helsinki, Finland, but a "Parisienne" in my soul, I'm passionate about the concept and phenomenon that we like to call style.✨

Find your elegant balance.

As it happens, I wrote my Bachelor's thesis at the University of Helsinki concerning the idea of elegance. Specifically, I analyzed the outfits and performance practice of three singers, Maria Callas, Barbra Streisand and Caterina Valente in three televised performances from the 1960's.

Since then, I've had the pleasure of deepening my understanding of style, elegance and the arts in general during my stay in Paris as an exchange student. As cliché as it is, Paris has truly taken its place in my heart forever. I have never felt more inspired, and it's my pleasure to share what I'm learning with you.🤓

It never ceases to fascinate me how making even a small adjustment in living with more style can make a huge difference. Dressing well and looking at your life through the lens of stylishness brings joy to me and elevates instantly my day-to-day life.

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