
Enchanté(e), I'm Elle!

Would you like to learn the best tips and tricks to upgrade your style and lead a more elegant life? Let me help you with that.😉✨

Let's start with a good old definition of elegance from our dear old friend Coco Chanel:

"L'élégance c'est quand l'intérieur est aussi beau que l'extérieur."
= "Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside." - Coco Chanel

That just makes so much sense, right? Pursuing elegance in our lives is never just about enhancing our external stylishness, but also about refining our inner beauty. Though there is an element of ease in true elegance, it isn’t easy to master in one’s own life. But this blog is designed to facilitate the process — it’s not rocket science after all.😜🚀

An "elegance nerd" right at your service!

I'm a 4th year music research student from Helsinki, Finland, and I recently did my Bachelor's thesis concerning elegance – and I learned a lot about it. Now I can't wait to share everything that I've learned, because I've noticed in my life that making even small adjustments towards living more elegantly has brought me so much joy and has elevated even the darkest months of winter here in Finland.❄️

What you'll learn:

  • the basics of being well-dressed (I'll treat mostly womenswear, but also tips on classic and sartorial menswear)
  • to train your eye in order to make your outfits and surroundings more elegant
  • tips and tricks to take your outfits and habits to the next level, whether you are reading this as a beginner or a more advanced lover of elegance
  • how to emulate some of the old time style, charm, charisma and grace that the icons especially from the 1950's and 60's had
  • to notice how the idea of elegance translates to other arts than just the art of dressing up

In other words, I'm on a mission to find the ways in which we can be the Audrey Hepburns and Gene Kellys of our own lives. I'm definitely not well-informed on the latest fads. Instead, I believe in developing a personal style that brings out the best in you and your body, works in your day-to-day life and is an extension of your personality – regardless of the current trends. No matter your age, the goal is to look fresh, not dated, or like a fashion victim.

I'm here to help you to unlock your creativity and to see your own potential for being more elegant.

The purpose of seeking elegance

  • être bien dans sa peau = "to feel good in one's own skin", as well as to feel good in one's second skin, that is, in our clothes
  • to find ways to practice l'art de vivre = "the art of life", in order to find la joie de vivre = "the joy of life"
  • to have more fun in life by learning the art of sprezzatura and effortlessness, i.e. how to not try too hard, and at least look like you aren't, even if you are putting in a lot of effort – if that makes sense😆
  • to enhance your personality with inner and outer sophistication, but not to become stuffy, stuck-up or pompous; not to elevate oneself above others, but to make yourself and others feel comfortable

I'm sold. What do I do next? – I hear you say.

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I appreciate your interest in my blog so much...thank you!

In fact, I'd love to hear more from you, so if you have a question in mind right now, don't hesitate to hit me an email at ellepalmu@gmail.com. I truly want you to find ways to make your life feel more elegant, so I'm happy to help if I can.❣️

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